250 Luxury White Roses Basket
250 Luxury White Roses Basket
Indulge in the ultimate luxurious experience with our 250 Luxury White Roses Basket. With a stunning arrangement of 250 full-bloom white roses, this basket exudes elegance and sophistication. You'll be enchanted by the sweet, delicate fragrance and the undeniable beauty of each hand-picked rose. Each blossom has been carefully cultivated to perfection, ensuring that you receive only the highest quality product. This is the perfect gift for any special occasion, guaranteed to impress and delight.
Standard Delivery Charges of 2.000 KD for orders.
We do not deliver beyond Jahra and Ahmadi
We understand the importance of receiving your flowers on-time, which is why maintaining delivery time is very important to us.
Delivery is taken place anytime in between the chosen Delivery Time
Fresh Flowers
Flower Arrangements for every occasion
On-Time Delivery
Surprises that arrive at the perfect time